Tired of abusive comments?

Find out more!
sad girl

We have got what you need right here !

Abusa is a browser extension based on AI model to flag and delete the offensive words.

By enabling our extension, you can simply submit any type of text, it instantly responds with the moderation details. Any objectionable content found will be flagged and described to help you block, modify or review it.


Please take a look through our features

Download Abusa- browser extension for text moderation

It is free and easy to use.

It would be great if you leave a feedback for us too.


Click below!

Download Now!  

Team 404

Arushi Jain  Arushi Jain
 (Backend Developer)
Utkarsha  Utkarsha
 (Project Manager)
Yuvansh Joshi  Yuvansh Joshi
 (Extension Development)
Anindita Mishra  Anindita Mishra
Krati Chordia  Krati Chordia
 (Dataset & Content)